Nguyên Liệu:
1 lb of Large or Medium Shrimp, peeled and deveined
1/2 cup Walnuts
5 cups Water
1 cup Sugar
2 cups Oil
1/2 cup Cornstarch
1/2 cup Egg whites
2 Tbs Honey
3 Tbs Mayonnaise
1 Tbs Fresh lemon juice
1/2 Tbs Condensed milk
1/2 cup Oil
Cách Làm:
Rinse walnuts, then boil in 5 cups water, continually changing water until clear.
When clear, boil with sugar until sugar dissolves.
Heat 2 cups oil until almost smoking, then deep fry walnuts until they're shiny and brown, no longer golden.
Place walnuts to cookie sheet, let cool.
Mix cornstarch and egg whites together to form a thick, sticky texture and mix well with Shrimp. Set aside. Mix honey, mayonnaise, lemon juice, and condensed milk in a medium bowl until smooth.
Heat oil until boiling, then deep fry the Shrimp until golden brown.
Drain, then fold in honey mayonnaise mixture. Mix well, sprinkle with walnuts, and arrange on platter.
Chúc ăn ngon
Source: VietFun Recipes (Nấu Ăn) Video liên quan về Món Chiên Xào hay Tôm Xào Hạt Điều |
Trứng Non Xào Gà Tỏi | Hướng Dẫn Làm Món Heo Quay Da Giòn | Cách Làm Thịt Viên Chiên | Làm Món Ba Rọi Muối Chiên Bằng Nồi Chiên | Đọt Bông Bí Xanh Xào Tỏi Giờ |